Whether we’re breathing new life into an old home or crafting brand-new from the ground up, we are there for every step. With us, designing and building your home feels effortless, infused with joy, love, and soul along the way. Let’s create a home that’s a true expression of you.

Whether we’re breathing new life into an old home or crafting brand-new from the ground up, we are there for every step. With us, designing and building your home feels effortless, infused with joy, love, and soul along the way. Let’s create a home that’s a true expression of you.

A Collaborative Approach to Homebuilding
At Anchor Builders, we embrace transparency and communication starting Day 1 of our relationship.
Review our process, reach out with questions, and learn how we guide you from idea to finished home.
Review our process, reach out with questions, and learn how we guide you from idea to finished home.
Step ONe
1 – Vision
Whether rejuvenating your existing home or crafting a new one, we want to explore your vision! What are your needs and goals? How do you use your home? Why did you choose this home? After learning more about your situation, we deliver an initial feasibility study with a projected path forward.
What we achieve during this step:
- Initial Virtual / Phone Call
- Initial Home Visit
- Initial Feasibility Study (includes project vision, budget, timeline and next steps)
How to move to the next step:
- Approved Design Contract OR
- Approved Design Contract with Build Hold

Step Two
2 – Programming
Let’s dive into the design process with your design team! Crafting your dream home begins with a comprehensive understanding of your family, lifestyle, and living space. Our design team will visit your home, learn about your space, draw upon inspiration, and help identify your passions and styles.
What we achieve during this step:
- Full Home Measurement
- Client Questionnaire
- Design Kickoff
- Existing Site Review and/or Site Survey
How to move to the next step:
- Completed Project Goal Assessment (including needs, site restrictions, passions, style, and budget)
- Begin Conceptual Specifications

Step Three
3 – Schematic Design
Schematic Design
Exploration and drawing begin! Your design team develops initial floor plans and exterior concepts for your review. Incorporating your feedback, we revise these concepts until we arrive at the right configuration of your home.
What we achieve during this step:
- Floor Plan Concepts
- Exterior Concepts
- Site Plan
- Begin 3D Model
- Complete Conceptual Specifications
- Complete Conceptual Feasibility Check-in
How to move to the next step:
- Completed Conceptual Feasibility Check-in
- Approval to Proceed

Step Four
4 – Design Development
Design Development
Let’s get into the details. Your team will meet with you to select materials, complete conceptual plans, and finalize your design. We’ll also connect with necessary consultants (e.g. soil engineer, structural engineer, landscaper, surveyor, zoning official, etc.) as necessary for your project. At the end of this step the full design of your home is complete.
What we achieve during this step:
- Architectural Plan Set
- Selections
- Specifications
How to move to the next step:
- Approved Architectural Plan Set (specifications, drawings, selection schedules)
- Confirmation of All Necessary Pieces for Permit are Done or In Motion

Step Five
5 – Construction Prep
Construction Prep
Putting it all together. During this step, we complete all the finishing touches on construction documents. This includes completing construction detail drawings, permitting, coordination with the build team, tradespeople, suppliers, and composing a full project estimate.
What we achieve during this step:
- Full Pricing Set (including site survey, engineering, city specific plans/documents)
- Coordination with Design and Build Team
- Permitting
- Final Adjustments
- Completed Construction Documents (including drawings, specification, selections, schedule, surveys, landscape plans)
How to move to the next step:
- Signing Construction Documents (includes plans, specifications, selections, and schedules)
- Signed Build Contract

Step Six
6 – Construction
Construction begins on your home! Throughout construction, our project director will continue to be your main point of contact, keeping you updated on progress, answering questions, coordinating on-site walk-throughs, and supporting close out. Our project manager will mobilize the full build team, communicate with tradesmen and suppliers, and stay aligned with the design team to ensure the build meets the design intent.
What we achieve during this step:
- Construction – It’s about the journey and experience as much as it is about the end product!
How to move to the next step:
- All steps are complete; enjoy your new home!