Nestled in a quaint neighborhood, this 1 1/2 story home has undergone a significant renovation to cater to the needs of a growing family and their beloved large dog. The revamped 1940’s Cape Cod, now features an updated exterior, expanded main level cantilevered off the back, and an entire new second level complete with two bedrooms, primary suite, and modernized bathrooms. The vision for this remodel was to establish a functional forever home that efficiently uses the space and provides a more family friendly communal feel on the main level with more individual space on the second floor. This was achieved by opening up the back of the house to create an open concept kitchen, dining and small flex space. These changes allowed the family to spend more quality time together, while enjoying the unique features and thoughtful design elements that make their home truly their own.
Project Team:
Anchor Builders Build Team
Project Designer:
Anchor Builders Design Team
Project Photographer:
Project Recognitions:
MSP Home Tour 2024
Nestled in a quaint neighborhood, this 1 1/2 story home has undergone a significant renovation to cater to the needs of a growing family and their beloved large dog. The...
View HomeThe homeowners couldn’t be happier with their new kitchen, the additional space gained with the removal of the wall in the kitchen, and so much more! Originally a typical story-and-a-half...
View HomeThis busy family was expanding and needed space for kids and working from home. They love the neighborhood but couldn’t find a larger house that fit their needs. It was...
View HomeTrue to its name, we started by “popping the top” and converting the existing attic into a proper second level. This not only created more square footage, but it also...
View HomeAfter you reach out to Anchor Builders, we’ll discuss what you’re looking for and the goals for your new home. We’ll decide if we are the right team for your vision. If the answer is no, we’ll recommend other options. If the answer is yes, we’ll walk you through a budget presentation and a subsequent follow-up discussion.
We’ll come out to the property and get some measurements. Then, the real fun begins —the design kick-off and space planning. Together, we’ll start developing the home that will be your family’s anchor for years to come. Later, we’ll go through a rough bid presentation and then the actual design development will begin.
Next, we’ll get to work with a build kick-off as we begin the construction. You’ll be kept up-to-date on the progress with onsite walk-throughs as your Anchor home gets closer and closer to being finished. After completion, it’s champagne time! We’ll welcome you into your new home with a finished home reveal.